Bioidenticals: Sorting Myths from Facts

I copied this information directly from the FDA website.  It’s important that women using “bioidentical” hormone containing over the counter skin creams understand that they are using man made hormones.  Please remember, Resolve does not contain any...

5 Tips to Overcoming PMS

Not every woman suffers from premenstrual syndrome but for the majority of you that do, we have a few ways to help reduce your discomfort! Eat Better Improving your diet can be one of the easiest and best ways of easing your PMS symptoms. Staying away from foods that...

Another Great Replenishing Cream Testimonial

About a month ago a woman came into our Idaho Falls store looking for the Replenishing Cream.  Her husband had just had some cancers removed from his face and she needed a good healing cream and a friend recommended the Replenishing Cream. She purchased a jar and came...