The purpose of this blog

This blog will be an excellent forum for the sharing of information, whether it be health and nutrition tips, product usage tips, or even product testimonials. We’d love to hear from our customers, and we encourage them to share their experiences with others.

A little about Syringa

Incorporated in 1993,  Syringa has been providing customers with high quality skin care and nutritional products at affordable prices, for over twenty years.  

Resolve wild yam cream

In 1994 Syringa introduced Resolve Wild Yam Cream, which quickly became the product  for which we are  the most well  known. This product embodies Syringa’s motto “Helping the Body Help Itself.”   Resolve does not contain any type of synthetic  hormones,  it  simply provides women with the nutritional building blockstheir bodies need to manufacture progesterone and alleviate the symptoms of hormonal imbalance.



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