My joints hurt in cold weather – Get natural relief from chronic pain

Dec 14, 2016

Winter has arrived again. For many of us this means added joint stiffness and arthritic flare ups due to the damp, cold weather. Fortunately relief can be found Syringa’s new Joint Health Combo. This pack includes one of our brand new products, Joint Comfort and our reliable Radiance Capsaicin Cream. The Joint Comfort contains not only Glucosamine and Chondroitin, but also Boswellia Extract, Turmeric, Quercitin, Methionine, MSM, and Bromelain. All aiding in your chronic pain relief.

Long term relief from joint pain

There’s no need to purchase separate anti-inflammatory herbs when you’re using Syringa Joint Comfort because they’re already included our formula! Joint Comfort provides the ingredients you need to support healthier joints and connective tissue. Syringa Radiance is a topical analgesic containing capsaicin, which is a proven pain reliever. Capsaicin works by blocking the body’s ability to manufacture Substance P, which is a chemical that transmits the pain signal to nerve endings. Radiance also feels very warm and loosens stiff joints and muscles immediately upon application. Radiance works wonders on occasional aches and pains but because of its ability to block Substance P it’s a miracle product for those who need natural relief from chronic pain.

If you are using the Radiance for a chronic condition make sure you are applying once or twice daily to the painful area. While you will experience a certain amount of relief when applying it the real work of reducing pain transmission can take 7-10 days. Be sure to apply it daily because if you skip a day or two Substance P can build back up quickly. Work on rebuilding the cartilage and tissue between your joint from the inside with Joint Comfort and provide yourself with some topical relief with the Radiance. Anyone suffering from chronic pain, joint stress, or joint stiffness will benefit from these products. Right now our product packs are being sold at a special introductory price – don’t miss out on your chance to try them out while they are on special!

Joint Health Essentials