Relief from Sunburns!

If you spend a little too much time in the sun this summer and end up with an uncomfortable sunburn spray the area with Oxy-Spray and let it dry (approximately 1 minute) then cover it generously with Replenishing Cream. Do this 2-3 times a day.  The Oxy-Spray will...

Another Great Replenishing Cream Testimonial

About a month ago a woman came into our Idaho Falls store looking for the Replenishing Cream.  Her husband had just had some cancers removed from his face and she needed a good healing cream and a friend recommended the Replenishing Cream. She purchased a jar and came...

Time to Get Your Feet Ready for Sandal Season!

Spring is just around the corner and so is sandal season!  Get those dry cracked heels looking smooth by using either Replenishing Cream or Cool Care.  Use either product on your heels generously at least twice a day.  For really tough, dry heels apply a generous...